Monday, January 02, 2006

inconsequential indefinite discussions on indiscriminate decisionless derivatives

Privacy is such a sensitive issue. It is so sense-see-irritative which comes to picture only when it is practically disturbed. I write a blog here and there are a few brothers doing to and fro in the background and it just reminds me how i was well off with my old and creaking laptop.

So i am back after a long backdrop of events. When some certain crucial things change in life like one's timings and when you eat and sleep and where you breath and who you meet and what you ride and what you drink, it takes some time for people like me to be back in shape. I think that sums up the reason for my absence and my little presence in the responsive comment section. Anyways, now that everyone is all with dhum dhadhas going up and good on blogging with the fullest josh i think it's difficult to attract the very few anon comments that i could barely manage to keep with my little blogging and lot of letting them be.

But when one is in a mood such that i am in now which very few people understand and more people try to interpret, all that is in front of me and around me actually irritates and gets on my nerves. I have my cell switched off and my mind fully set on this piece of monitor that is also bugging me constantly. Is this just a mental state that everyone stumble upon once in a while or do I need to xplain it a little further to make it more legible to the illegitimate few??

get lost.

My little sense which has practically become nonesense by now, like Milan's silliness in the unsillily silly world or smth like that, tells me that my unnecessary and inconsequential indiscriminate discussion on decisionless topics may actually conducively help me in effectively losing the only few readers i have on this site which are here for elusive and inoffensively illiterate purposes.

What? Have i gone nuts or something?

Is this the effect of my recent noticeably different lifestyle that has come over me? or the change in my food habits? or is it my mouse that is growing bigger each day and has taken more and more of my room space? a mouse? how big can it grow to take room space?
space? it is virtually space less- volume less and weight less - it feels like a piece of cotton that has a few claws...


Milan said...

The mouse is a cotton ball with two pairs of CUTE claws.

And it's name is Optical. His brother, USB, unfortunately became some stray cat's snack.

zany said...

Junk Food! Virtual.