Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Long time back, I had a blog about whites.
Today it’s about pink…not all pinks
Pink health and pink floyd kinds you know…
Not exactly pink shoes and pink lipsticks coz they are not my kind
Pink highlighters and water color tubes may be…
But not pink picture frames or pink handbags…I don’t carry them.
Pink sky is a beautiful sight definitely but a pink toothbrush will look too delicate.
We used to have an English teacher, who used pink chalk-sticks to teach us,
And another one who used to treat us with pink strawberry ice-creams…not that it is my favorite flavor…
Sweet pink and dazzling pinks are different - one is like a soothing hot water bath and the other like prickly cold water bath.
Pink are flowers –naturally beautiful, not like black – unfriendly and dark.
Pink are open and friendly – could never hide a secret or conspire against anyone.
Pink t-shirts are a lovely sight…got a gift recently by a pink personality – the kinds that are open and friendly, wise and beautiful, fair and nice, sweet and good.
Pink are for love. Pink’s for friendship. Pink’s for soft. Pink’s for girls – you know the kind – pink for girls, blue for boys…blah blah…
Pink transparent file folders.
Pink ink would be weird nah…unless it’s amongst the legally blond type pink girls..who used pink laptops and pink feathery caps and pink strap around their poodles.
Pink remind of few people. Pink reminds me of cuteness. It reminds me of the scores of pink sarees and pink kurta-salwar and pink nice shoes. And pink sneakers and pink ball point pens and pink erasers and pink five rupee note and pink J-lo shades and pink lipstick stain on a wine glass. Pink nail polish, pink nose on a smiley. Pink is a rare color, coz beautiful is rare, coz freshness is rare, coz innocence is rare.
Pink is smile. Pink is passion. Oh, this reminded me of the aerosmith song…and pink is not even a question…and pink when I turn out the lights… oh ya that sexy song in his sexy voice. Pink, jinx, links, ink, kinks, sinks…
Incidentally I am wearing a dirty pink cotton full t-shirt with a v-neck at the moment, it’s a year old now, vid? She got a grey one – ditto. And we went for bright pink saree shopping last week… and mom wanted to make a gold ring with a light pink watery semi-precious stone embedded, and shris and I got pink cutie cutie slight high heeled shoes…
So pink is not that widely found…not that rare kinds is there..has always been there..and will always be your good old think you've lost them..but it's only until you find them...right behind you...all through.

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