Sunday, December 27, 2009


Met a college friend for lunch - talked about 3 idiots and 5 pt smone. met a friend for coffee, talked about 3 idiots and 5 pt smone. it brought quite a few flashbacks. i realize, when i remember now, the times that used to be, there are only specific things that remains in your mind - and those are not the ones that were meant to be remembered - like music, like coffee hangouts everyday, like samosas, like ramblings - it was an everyday affair - always available, always free. Free stuff then are so precious now and dreams of then are so in vain.

what goes through your mind when you see a child? (a lot)

three things that will stay with me today/thank you-s for:
good coffee - i still love good coffee
a nice talk

i miss:
a wild run - till my cheeks go hot
counting the stars

its been ages i have gazed at the sky. i still remember the excitement we had when we realized we had found Ursa Major. it was a playful and curiosity driven thing we did after dinner which stuck as a habit - gazing the sky at night after dinner, trying to find the constellations - Cancer was the second one we figured out - if i remember correct. Bro carried a torch light and the astro book from the library and that was it - under a clear winter sky. Stars twinkled and we shivered but we loved it. Every time i go to the library, as if by habit i browse over to Astronomy - forget what i was looking for and skip it. i have forgotten many things - and this is one of them. maybe, tonight i will go up to the terrace with a blanket on my back and gaze at the stars - i will try to find aquarius maybe - its the right month if i am not wrong. Maybe i wouldn't figure it out at the first go - but i will sleep tight thinking - at least i tried.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A good time

five months is a good time for a new blog post - no i did not think so and no, that is not why i am here.
i am here because i got the time. i got the time to ramble on - on my own. i need two days of bandh to finally go to fb and update my status and go around taking status on a fren's newest updates...
no, i am not that bg, just a lil laid back - not doing things right - maybe or just not interested.
'people interest me', i was talking to a fren recently - 'but not as much to know their daily status' - we argued a while - it was interesting. You should be in HR, she said - i said - maybe not - but pray i will be.
books has always been a pal to me - they don't need a reply, no deadlines, no times fixed, no need to voice your opinion, form sentences, look for the right word, if you had slipped a wrong one in the first place, no necessity to go back and correct them, no apologies, no corrections, no nothings, books are always there to give you company - in good times and bad. Books don't say i am ignoring them if i don't return a call - don't say they are hungry or lets go for a coffee...books get worn out though - pages fall apart and in few cases if you re-read them after years, you could get a different meaning altogether from it.
we all have our idiosyncrasies...our little rules for ourselves... aquarians are known for too many rules they make for themselves and known to stick to, i have for myself is i don't re-read a book - one, because like a painting, it gives a different dimension every time you go back to it. two, who's got the time. three, i don't know, i just get too bored too quick with one thing. My husband gives me a weird look when i say that, ''except you'' i reassure him - he's gorgeous.
it's good to be rambling again...wish i had the time and the energy to do it more often...few things i had wanted to write about today which i would not be writing is about the sheer incapability of our leaders to direct this beautiful country to a path of prosperity, mother-in-laws, and oranges. will take these up in later posts definitely.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The July

Slipped birthdays. Hustle bustle of the pratice squeezed into an already busy day! Its amazing how so many things can still squeeze into that 24 hours and you thought you were the busy one.

This seems outdated when i see my husband spend hours at the facebook.

One more movie, few pages of the book i carry, an article, one more phone call, one more dish will settle in somewhere between that busy schedule, so will these words.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Don't ask me to pronounce it.

From the subtelties of finer emotions. This one takes you to the death seat. How would you feel with a gun pointed on your head?

Saturday, March 07, 2009

after a long time

Don't remember when i wrote my last one and don't know when i will be back for the next. Cannot trace in my memory what i wrote last, and can't say what words will flow next. It is like the changes happening these past few years, plucked from one side of the street to the other, one bosom to another, one JD plus many. Life seems to have taken a tumble, a fun one - a frivolous one and at the same time a serious one, which one camouflaging the other is hard to say. Discovering new people, experimenting simple but new dishes, finding unused soup spoons in never-opened drawers, entering a strange side of the world, being married - just hoping for another new beginnning - this one has been too good - touchwood. Bonds made stronger, energy renewed, new hopes and promises, ambitions grow and so does the mind. Cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am. Why does a person - no, why do i need this strange hour to freshen up the mind? Is it because there is no chaos around? is it because the only sound there is - is the barking of dogs - incessantly far faraway in some unseen corner of the world, as if it is a 'figment of my imagination' - ah, this one is from rata-tu-e - wish i knew how to spell it.

Things happen so fast, it is difficult to record the emotions that come with it.

But it is nice to be here after such a long time - i have always liked corners i guess.

More later, definitely.