i am here because i got the time. i got the time to ramble on - on my own. i need two days of bandh to finally go to fb and update my status and go around taking status on a fren's newest updates...
no, i am not that bg, just a lil laid back - not doing things right - maybe or just not interested.
'people interest me', i was talking to a fren recently - 'but not as much to know their daily status' - we argued a while - it was interesting. You should be in HR, she said - i said - maybe not - but pray i will be.
books has always been a pal to me - they don't need a reply, no deadlines, no times fixed, no need to voice your opinion, form sentences, look for the right word, if you had slipped a wrong one in the first place, no necessity to go back and correct them, no apologies, no corrections, no nothings, books are always there to give you company - in good times and bad. Books don't say i am ignoring them if i don't return a call - don't say they are hungry or lets go for a coffee...books get worn out though - pages fall apart and in few cases if you re-read them after years, you could get a different meaning altogether from it.
we all have our idiosyncrasies...our little rules for ourselves... aquarians are known for too many rules they make for themselves and known to stick to them..one, i have for myself is i don't re-read a book - one, because like a painting, it gives a different dimension every time you go back to it. two, who's got the time. three, i don't know, i just get too bored too quick with one thing. My husband gives me a weird look when i say that, ''except you'' i reassure him - he's gorgeous.
it's good to be rambling again...wish i had the time and the energy to do it more often...few things i had wanted to write about today which i would not be writing is about the sheer incapability of our leaders to direct this beautiful country to a path of prosperity, mother-in-laws, and oranges. will take these up in later posts definitely.
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