Tuesday, January 17, 2006

for dreamers...rather day dreamers

"If you have built castles in the air,
your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them."
-Henry David Thoreau

Why is my blog turning into Get-your-daily-free-quote-here kinda thing?
Anyways...who cares!i!


Anonymous said...

yea right, who cares!! ... nice quote though

Vidwata said...

anjani amatya...


so how is the working lady...too busy...too tired

hmmm... see how things fall in place...

you and i havent met for ... hmmm.. more than 10 days..and life seems still ok..having not met your best friend when you are stilli nthe same city...

now gimme another quote...or just tell me 'get lost ' he he he