Friday, June 01, 2007


Someone told me to be expressive of my feelings on the blog. Hm..interesting.
Be expressive.

I have got a lot more than one comment on myself at being un-expressive.
It is something that doesn’t come naturally to me. Some one just introduced to me asked whether I had a tormented childhood, for my fear of expression. I laughed at the person and said, Excuse me?

A close friend of mine got completely disgusted with me last week - of my expressionless face.
It's difficult dealing with you - she said, I could have never guessed.

Expressions have been a subject of much debate and discussion in the spiritual and the philosophical world too. Hinduism maintains that an individual should control the 10 indriyas - suppress the feelings and emotions that come out of it and devote oneself to God. That is an aide towards Nirvana, to spiritual cleansing.

I believe this is where the Hindu-istic thinking and the modern western thoughts differ.. the latter being more pro-expression in every field they enter into. Freedom of thought, expression, independence, individual rights.. all go in the same direction. Much of chaos, laxity, and loose character are the bi-products of a too free society, I guess. Both have their positives and negatives on the weighing scale.

Finding a mid-way - a balanced character, I think is the challenge to our minds today.

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