Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Not just talking

Sometimes i feel i will never ever learn the art of communication.

Art... yes, i truly believe it's an art because more I think of communicating it right, the more hotch-potched it becomes and I end up with a potpourri of juggled thoughts in both my and the receiver's mind.

Practice does help. But i believe good communication comes naturally to a person. Some people just relate to you and the mass and all the people without much effort - or so it seems.

While some like me, just fumble at the next call or the next presentation or the next meeting and an encounter or a compliment or the next thank you and the next sorry - to mumble at myself post the whatever encounter, that i could have or should have said something else, reacted somehow differently or used this word or that...and it's useless basically at that point of time. Because situations like these occur at 'the' moment and 5 minutes later, you are back with the audience wondering how you spoke or the handset is down and you go back to the conversation to ruminate whether you used the right words. I said sorry to a colleague of mine and after the whole episode it seemed to me that it was not enough and that i sounded a lil arrogant or my posture was not right.

On hindsight it seems i should have thought of 'how to do it' beforehand...but it's just not practical and possible to do it for every meeting you gonna encounter on way to the restroom.

It's a frequent thing of mine at the lunch table of the variety of people i meet - how am i to start the conversation, and once i start it how to end it?

I don't think this is a common issue for all and i am fed up of talking the weather and the movies with every other person i meet.

More so, i wonder at, and pity the people around me :)

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