Sunday, December 27, 2009


Met a college friend for lunch - talked about 3 idiots and 5 pt smone. met a friend for coffee, talked about 3 idiots and 5 pt smone. it brought quite a few flashbacks. i realize, when i remember now, the times that used to be, there are only specific things that remains in your mind - and those are not the ones that were meant to be remembered - like music, like coffee hangouts everyday, like samosas, like ramblings - it was an everyday affair - always available, always free. Free stuff then are so precious now and dreams of then are so in vain.

what goes through your mind when you see a child? (a lot)

three things that will stay with me today/thank you-s for:
good coffee - i still love good coffee
a nice talk

i miss:
a wild run - till my cheeks go hot
counting the stars

its been ages i have gazed at the sky. i still remember the excitement we had when we realized we had found Ursa Major. it was a playful and curiosity driven thing we did after dinner which stuck as a habit - gazing the sky at night after dinner, trying to find the constellations - Cancer was the second one we figured out - if i remember correct. Bro carried a torch light and the astro book from the library and that was it - under a clear winter sky. Stars twinkled and we shivered but we loved it. Every time i go to the library, as if by habit i browse over to Astronomy - forget what i was looking for and skip it. i have forgotten many things - and this is one of them. maybe, tonight i will go up to the terrace with a blanket on my back and gaze at the stars - i will try to find aquarius maybe - its the right month if i am not wrong. Maybe i wouldn't figure it out at the first go - but i will sleep tight thinking - at least i tried.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A good time

five months is a good time for a new blog post - no i did not think so and no, that is not why i am here.
i am here because i got the time. i got the time to ramble on - on my own. i need two days of bandh to finally go to fb and update my status and go around taking status on a fren's newest updates...
no, i am not that bg, just a lil laid back - not doing things right - maybe or just not interested.
'people interest me', i was talking to a fren recently - 'but not as much to know their daily status' - we argued a while - it was interesting. You should be in HR, she said - i said - maybe not - but pray i will be.
books has always been a pal to me - they don't need a reply, no deadlines, no times fixed, no need to voice your opinion, form sentences, look for the right word, if you had slipped a wrong one in the first place, no necessity to go back and correct them, no apologies, no corrections, no nothings, books are always there to give you company - in good times and bad. Books don't say i am ignoring them if i don't return a call - don't say they are hungry or lets go for a coffee...books get worn out though - pages fall apart and in few cases if you re-read them after years, you could get a different meaning altogether from it.
we all have our idiosyncrasies...our little rules for ourselves... aquarians are known for too many rules they make for themselves and known to stick to, i have for myself is i don't re-read a book - one, because like a painting, it gives a different dimension every time you go back to it. two, who's got the time. three, i don't know, i just get too bored too quick with one thing. My husband gives me a weird look when i say that, ''except you'' i reassure him - he's gorgeous.
it's good to be rambling again...wish i had the time and the energy to do it more often...few things i had wanted to write about today which i would not be writing is about the sheer incapability of our leaders to direct this beautiful country to a path of prosperity, mother-in-laws, and oranges. will take these up in later posts definitely.