Saturday, July 08, 2006


The clock hands flicked to 5, 21 as she descended the stairs with a sense of freshness - after a cool bath, perfumed talc, deo spray and a dab of roll-on - it made her look and smell fresh. Taking the keys from the floor where she'd let them fall last evening; she massaged the dog's head behind its ears as it hid its eyes already in a deep slumber. She came out of the house, looked left and then right, bit her lower lip and headed left. She didn’t know where she was going or where she wanted to go. She wanted to move and go somewhere, but the destination was unknown – the process was clear.

She walked, increased her pace slowly and in matter of about ten minutes she was jogging past the other early risers on the street. She could hear the heavy breathing and could feel her muscles flick as she threw each sneakered feet faster than the one before. Nothing stopped her now – the sweating, the breathing, the tiredness that slowly seeped up from her feet – nothing seemed to have a control and the feet moved forward like a train chugging without brakes. She slowed to a jog when she saw the familiar sign boards raised high above the others and panting heavily out of breath she entered the building.
(to be continued...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

invited to be member