Wednesday, December 27, 2006


35+65+693+58+69596+6958+245+658+845+3215+651+856+11+25465+2554+32 -enter-
how come?
'here's ur tea dear'
35+65+693+58+69596+6958+245+658+845+3215+651+85.... tring! tring! tring! tring!
why don't you ever pick up the phone?!
Shh...damn...all over again..., there has to be a reversal made...where's the voucher....
13.5 percent times 3 for 12 months...and then...
dyaddy! dyaddy! look at me....i am a spiderman!...dyaddy!...dyaddy? dyaaa...huunn..mommy...
why do you scare the child so much...can't you do those stuff at your office?
come, we will play...spiderman and superman...rite? dhishum...dhishum....
13.5 percent...tring, tring, tring...tring, tring, tring... devdass association...this is the residence though...
Phone: think, we have met the right person...are you at your home computer sir? working on your office work?
WHLC: aaa....i
Phone: don't move, don't try to escape...all routes will be closing...and we have surrounded your have crossed the work limit hours per are charged of working too much and contributing excessively to the annual GDP per capita... you will be a forced vacation with your family to hawaii for the next three weeks...all costs born by the rehab....
WHLC: you can't do that...its a crime...i haven't finished the project's not fair...
Phone:don't make it any difficult for us...your computer will automatically shut off in the next 10mins. All your work-related files and folders will be sent to your office where you can find them after your vacation....thank you for listening patiently to us...enjoy your vacation!
WHLC: its not fair... oh my god...the computer is shutting off...someone stop it... help...this is...oh my god...someone...
Thus, the workholic was doomed to a three weeks' vacation to the much relief of his family. The WHLC however had torturous hours staring at the clear blue ocean and the sunny sky... i am sure he saw his project and his calculations on them too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why no new post..

u might ask why no new mails..

just cause... hmm lazy...

ok...but write to me...

i got chicken pox baby..

yeha aayera chicken pox.. ke garnu...

do write...

