Tuesday, July 08, 2008

the hook

working is an addiction. not working as in working. but working as in holding a job. look at a 60 year old who is to retire and he is still looking for job to hold him, irrespective of whether he needs the money that comes with it or not. no, he just needs a job to hold him straight, to keep him tight and to give him a purpose - a purpose to fill his day, a purpose to eat and to drink and to give him a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction - to give him a purpose to live. there are just a few like my dad i guess, who are rather happy to get the much awaited free time. so for five years, he had had a free time now, and i don't know a happier person to be free than him. he was literally awaiting his retirement, to get some time to wile away and that he did very leisurely. he loves to read - a page from here, a paragraph from there and such. he loves to write a page today and page tomorrow. he loves to sketch - a stroke here a stroke there. he loves to eat - whenever he wants. i am enjoying life you see he says with a philosophy book in hand, a nice cup of tea by his side, legs stretched - why the rush after all - what is there to be gained? he is an avid reader of philosophy - radhakrishnan being his favorite - more to eastern thought than western religion. he is the least interested person i have seen for making money - that sets all the tooth in the wheel right i guess. time for me to get a good sleep after a day's running. goodnight fellas.

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