Wednesday, June 20, 2007


smone Chinese thinker had said......
those who know do not speak.
those who speak do not know.
thought provoking.

the politics of the country is going for a toss surely,
with fuzzy statements like the ones our PM make.
and with all the haywire vibes that is coming out of the alliance.
hopefully the elections happen as stated, and let us expect a frutiful budget.
that's about it for now on that front. Wish we could help. We are helping in someway, that's what i doing whatever we do.

BBC is gaga about happiness this month.... which reminds me of a prjt we undertook to gauge happiness during college days. like always i think i will end up watching the promos and not the actual program on BBC...

i smhow picked up a bk on Lenin sterday nite - midnite to be exact. it's interesting... how he got into the mainstream after his brother was hanged. He was just 23.

last week i opened my drawer after long .... to clean it.
to my utter, i didn't find baby rats as i did once.........
i found that all my silver trinklets had reacted with one of my tablets and gone black....damn! how careless .......
so, could anyone suggest how to get them back to shape? .....shining? would be a gr8 help to see them white.

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