Monday, July 02, 2007

RU mad?!

How to use: Are you mad?!

This particular expression is to be followed by your mouth open and it should be held open for at least three seconds. It should be accompanied by eyes wide open, preferably with both palms wide open at the target in front of you.
For more lasting effect, use it at the person beside you while you are at the wheels, driving a vehicle at top speed so that the passenger – i.e. your target gets the jolt of their life. If you are a lady and if you have longish hair profile, ruffled open hair is the best get up, which gives the whole set up a mad look to gel with your poignant expression.

The stress should be on the last word – Mad. It goes: Are – you- ma-AD?!
Okay, so you are ready for the mirror test now.

Face the mirror and follow it step wise….there you go…….Are you Mad?!
You can get it right – Are you Ma-AD?! Try it once more…

When to use: When you feel that the other person is mad, and you want a confirmation on the same from that person. However, too frequent use of this expression on one particular individual is guaranteed to make the person Mad.

1 comment:

Utish Rajkarnikar said...

r u mad? just wondering howz ur expression at the moment, lol :)