Monday, December 26, 2005

early morn ktm

so i got up pretty early looking for a cyber again... missed my own 9 to 7 dial up by cinches...
i peeped through the painted panes of my regular one and left it with a screwed face when i saw all the keyboards stacked up in a pile... "repair?? most probably."

n i bought some fresh potatoes just out of the brown dusty sack by my grocer...

thamel was fun yesterday i remembered as i walked back home in the biting chill... we sang funny floyd numbers in chorus all the way... n e ways, the whole melodrama after i got home was too refreshing yaar...

so, what 'appened is my tinnie twinnie mouse was not in his usual Meizan carton box.. n i was frantic and toppled my already disheaveled room upside down in the torch light aided search.
i sent an SOS to my two bros ... n all three of us were disheaveling our own rooms now... under the bed... behind the wardrobes... under the quilts n behind curtains were the normal place in the search operation...

n every shoe in the rack got toppled n every bk from the case.. n all my junk for once got my friendly dust-beating... my pen cup... the drawers... n basket n the bins.. n all the socks n the gloves... n all coat pockets - to no avail...

so i was almost in tears after a haf hr search...

n i was there .. on the floor.. beside tinnie twinnie's box... swearing this n dat... n my bro looking at me with his new sweater on... confused n lost...

n at the very moment of suspense n climax.... ... the mouse shivered....

and under those disheavelled blankets we found it!

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