Sunday, December 11, 2005

warm words

viticulture - cultivation of grapes
vertigo. think.serendipity.ramble.pluck.twaak!

40% of the body heat goes off from the top of one's head. A cap is that important in staying warm.
A warm hand. A warm heater by your side. Mother's touch. The warm tea cup. Lunch. Warmth of a sunbask. A warm overused TV set. A warm look?
Warm water on a cold day. Warm water on a hot day. Slipping into a warm quilt of someone else. A warm smile?
Warm colors: orange, brown... stuffy warm. AC warm. Warm blood. A warm Boot. A warm bath. A warm animal body. Mouse. Dog. A warm kiss?
A warm hug. Warm sensation after a drink. A warm headache. Nervous warmth. A warm evening sky. A warm bonfire. Warm bhaktapur milk. Warmth of your own room. A warm face.
A warm seat. A warm handshake. A warm pocket. Pair of warm shoes. Warmth under the pillow. Warm hair in the sun. Warm jacket. Snuggly warm. Crouched warm. Warm air from the mouth as you warm your hand. A warm electric bulb after you plug it off. A warm hand. A warm slap. Warm sensation after you get spanked. A warm hot water bag. Sick man's warm. Feverish warm. Sweaty warm. Indifferent warm? A warm hand on the back. A warm massage. Warm Vicks during cold. Warm ointments. A warm welcome. A warm goodbye.

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