Saturday, December 17, 2005


Since we having lot of these-these days, thought a little insight wudn't harm... got this from wikipedia btw... too lazy to churn out something for the day. Coffee. Kofi and more kafi...

Starts here:
(Caffè) espresso (Italian) is a strong, flavorful coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee beans.

Espresso appears dark brown with a red/brown-colored foam on top, and it is served in small portions.

Espresso differs from
drip-brewed coffee with its thick, concentrated consistency and robust flavor. Due to its potency, straight espresso (served without sweetener or milk, analogous to black coffee) is considered by some to be an acquired taste, and it is served in small amounts called shots in the United States. Many coffee aficionados order their "single" or "double" (one or two shots in a ceramic cup) with a glass of cold water to clear the palate. Because espresso reacts quickly to oxygen, it should be consumed immediately after brewing.

This is interesting:

Espresso is considered the default coffee in Southern Europe, notably Italy, Portugal and France. Ordering a coffee (un caffè in Italian) means ordering an espresso; this confuses foreigners in Italy and Italians abroad alike. What is considered plain coffee in the United States is normally not brewed in Italy.

And this good:

A similar alternative, an espresso mixed with hot water, is known as caffè americano. The phrase 'American Coffee' (spoken in English) is widely understood. It is rarely ordered by Italians.

Espresso is also the foundation for other drinks, such as
lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and mochas.

A key component in the flavor of espresso is crema, a golden foam composed of emulsified oils, proteins, and sugars, which floats on the surface of the espresso itself.

Espresso is frequently mispronounced/mis-spelled as expresso in the UK and US.


The term espresso refers to the brewing method and combines all 3 meanings of the word express.

1.a coffee made expressly for one person,

2.with the flavours expressed from coffee grounds under pressure and

3.a coffee made at express speed

Express Espresso huh?

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